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We always use an A before a singular noun or a vowel that has a consonant sound. 


A sunny day 

France is a European country.

We never the article a with uncountable nouns, for example Is there a milk in the fridge?   Can I have a water?

Article A

Article AN


We always use AN before a singular noun that starts with a vowel sound.  We don't use it before an uncountable noun or plural nouns. 

We often identify vowels as a, e, i, o, u and sometime y: 

a - an apple, an antelope, an alligator

e - an elephant, an egg, an eclipse

i - an iguana, an iphone, an insect

o - an orange, an octopus, an oak tree

u - an umbrella, an umpire, an urge

However, its the sound at the beginning of nouns that you need to pay attention to, it's not the letter you see at the beginning.   


Unfortunately most letters in the alphabet can be pronounced in different ways so if you are unsure of how a word is pronounced look on the internet for audio examples, but here are some examples:

We use an before nouns and acronyms that have a vowel sound at the beginning, these nouns can begin with the letters f, h, l, m, r, s and x.  

An hour (the h is silent)

An SMS (the s is pronounced ess-emm-ess). 

An M.A. (the M is prounced emm-aye)

An SOS (the S is prounounced ess-oh-ess)

Article THE

We use the article THE when we know the noun we are talking about. 

I'm going to the cinema this evening. 

Have you seen the film Batman?




  • Used to describe temporary actions and events that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.

I will be taking my dog for a walk later.

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